Nutritional & wellbeing advice …

The Gut Microbiome

I recently attended The Gut Microbiome in Melbourne in March looking at the latest research and insights on gut health from international and local experts. The human gut comprises of trillions of bacteria weighing approximately 2-3 kg and the composition can vary widely between different people. Our gut is sometimes referred to as our second ‘brain” and is now thought to be linked to our immune system as well as other health functions. Of particular interest is the need to be eating your way to maintain or improve your gut microbiota. This can be achieved by ensuring you are having enough of different types of fibre, especially those known as short -chain carbohydrates found in certain cereals, legumes, vegetables, some fruit and nuts which are natural prebiotics. However, some people have problems digesting some of these foods and may need to be on a particular diet to address these issues short term.